Title XIX Evaluations
A Title XIX Waiver is a federal program that offers benefits to individuals who have a severe Intellectual Disability (formerly known as Mental Retardation) or severee Related Condition. To qualify, an individual must have an Intellectual Disability or a Related Condition taht occured prior to the age of 22 and accompanying significant delays similar to those of a person in an institution. A person with a serious mental illness, a mild condition, or someone that simply cannot live alone and does not have the above stated conditions would not be leigible for this program.
Penny O. Perdue, M.A. has been performing Title XIX Evaluations for over 15 years. She has extensive experience assessing individuals identified as MR/DD. If you think you know someone who might qualify for ICF/MR level of care and need a Title XIX evaluation please contact APT at 304.302.0526.
How is an ICF/MR level of care determined?
The State has determined that 2 conditions are needed to determine if an individual qualifies for an ICF/MR level of care. The first is that they have a qualifying condition. The second is that as a result of this condition, the individual has significant limitations in 3 of 6 major life areas. The Title XIX Evaluation is designed to answer these questions through a structured, comprehensive history, cognitive assessment, academic assessment, and assessment of level of adaptive functioning.
How long does the assessment take?
In general, the parent or guardian of the developmentally delayed individual is seen first to provide detailed information and serve as respondent for the adaptive behavior scales. This typically takes between one and two hours. The developmentally delayed individual is then seen for testing. This generally takes another one to two hours depending on the individual.
What should you expect during an evaluation?
The psychologicial evaluation will include review of records provied, interview tih the applicant and/or his/her representative, a battery of tests, and interpretation of the results.
What shoul you bring to bring to the evaluation?
Someone who is very familiar with the applicant's history, daily functioning, strengths and limitations
A list of medications prescribed to the applicant
Documentation that supports the presende of qualifying condition within the developmental period (prior to age 22)
School records, reports of psycho-educational testing conducted by the school system, the most current IEP
Medical records which support the presence of the qualifying condition such as cerebral palsy, brain injury, etc.
Discharge summaries and reports of psychological evaluations conducted in residential placements
Reports from any private assessements such as psychologicial evaluations, speech/language evaluations, physical therapy evaluations, etc.
Any other documentation which may assist the pschologist in conducting the evaluation
Failure to supply this information to the psychologist may result in delay of the evaluation or failure to process the evaluation.
What agencies provide waiver services in my community?
There are several community agencies that provide services in the Huntington area: Autism Services Center, Prestera Center, Mainstream Services, and Starlight Behavioral Health Services.